Episode 18: To Eat a Pig, Pt. 2

by Tanner Latham
Sean shouldering Dinner. Photo: Charlene Dy

Sean shouldering Dinner. Photo: Charlene Dy

In Episode 17, we met Sean Kelley, a writer who set out to raise a couple of pigs for the purpose of butchering them himself. He was so adamant about that mission that he even named the pigs Lunch and Dinner. This episode picks up at the point where Dinner had grown to over 300 pounds, and Sean was finally ready to slaughter her.

Special music by Boone, N.C.-based Redleg Husky

Sean slicing Dinner. Photo: Charlene Dy

Sean slicing Dinner. Photo: Charlene Dy

Episode 17: To Eat a Pig, Pt. 1

by Tanner Latham

Sean Kelley is a journalist, and in this show, he begins telling us the sometimes comic/sometimes tragic story about raising a couple of pigs so that he could slaughter, butcher and eat them just learn about that entire process firsthand.

"We know everything about pork and beef and poultry. We know nothing about pigs and cows and chickens," he says. 

Sean with his pig named Dinner on the day of reckoning. Lunch stands in the background. Photo: Charlene Dy

Sean with his pig named Dinner on the day of reckoning. Lunch stands in the background. Photo: Charlene Dy