Faux Crab Cakes by Chef Roscoe Hall
2 spaghetti squash split in half, seeded, and rubbed with 1 TBL grape seed oil, S&P, then wrapped in foil.
2 cups black beans: 1 cup smashed with spoon, other cup left whole
1 cup chopped spinach
3 TBL minced garlic
3 TBLs each of chili powder, cumin, smoked paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, fresh thyme, and oregano
2 TBL honey
2 TBL lime juice & zest of limes used
2 cups Panko bread crumbs: 1 for dusting, other for binding. More if needed.
-Preheat oven at 375.
-Place foil wrapped Squash onto baking sheet and roast about 20-25 minutes or until sides push in when squeezed.
-When done, unwrap and let cool completely.
-Once cool grab fork and gently fork out strings/flesh of squash from skin and put that into mixing bowl.
-Add all spices, spinach, and beans, and toss until it is mixed. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
-Now add Panko as needed to bind and the mixture forms patties with ease. You're shooting for crab cake feel.
-Once cakes are formed, dust outside of cakes with Panko. Put on tray and let cool in fridge for 30 minutes.
-Once ready to cook, turn a pan on medium heat, give a few swirls of grape seed oil and gently lay down cakes into pan. Sear about 3 minutes on both sides or until golden brown.
-Boom. You're done. Serve with a nice herb salad, rice, or even as a sandwich.